Just released: Momentary Turbulence.
“The paragraphs in Momentary Turbulence are perhaps the closest we will get to that razor edge where prose poem and story balance perfectly. They also highlight the many ways in which the works in verse here recall Pound’s dictum that poetry must be as well written as the best prose. If it didn’t have such a big Yankee heart, Momentary Turbulence might also be the answer to the question of what a Robert Bolano raised north of the border would look like: blue collar pomo, searing, with a noir eye. But there is a twinkle in that sad smile, a delight in the beauty of a toxic sunset that comes from knowing just how long night will last.”
—Ron Silliman, author of The Alphabet. (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poets/detail/ron-silliman)
Click here to purchase a copy of Momentary Turbulence