I’m proportionally accurate. I don’t care if God has a plan. It’s for aesthetic effect. Since the sky had its roof blown off, nobody knows what to make of my dreams. In absentia, I’m [...]
This time of year, the words on everyone’s lips are, No, no, not now. Speaking of the dead; they come from a long, venerable line. But who’s counting? Not even the mathematicians. A similar [...]
I’m wearing my lucky pants. Everybody at the post office knows me. Yesterday, when I walking to the liquor store, I noticed somebody peeping through the blinds. I’ve been trying to trick myself [...]
Science has shown that you shouldn’t name your livestock if, one day, you intend to eat them. I bend easily to temptation, especially when I’m landlocked by the energy fields. Normally, I do all [...]
Wednesday, on the way to the carwash, my car caught fire. And not the good kind, either. Sheila came running up to me and said, Everything is getting worse and worse. I told her the main [...]
When trying out a new pen for the first time, 97% of people will write their own name, yet 1/3 of suicides don’t leave a note. Appears in Democracy of Secrets a chapbook from Right Hand [...]