“One-Eyed Crocodile,” “Billy the Kid and the Economy” “The Little Things ,” “No Time to Call the Cops,” and “When I Least Expect It,” are in Flash Boulevard, January 25 2025. “Insurrectionist” and “Vacuum Tubes” appear in Stickman Review (Vol.23:No.2) January, 2025 “Just Desserts” is published in Right Hand Pointing, No. 158, January, 2025. “Like the Ancient Egyptians” appears in Eclectica, Jan/Feb 2025.
“Always Ending” appears in Issue #21 of Feral, December 2024. “Sample Size” and “Scorpions” are published in the December, 2024 issue of Red Ogre Review. “Doomsday Clock” is in dadakuku, November 14, 2024. “Raymond and Louella” appears on page 51 of the engine(idling #4, Fall 2024. “Mark My Words” is in Frighten the Horses, October 14, 2024. “We’re All in this Together” is in Feral: a Journal of Poetry and Art, September, 2024 (Issue#20). “A Person of Interest,” “One of a Kind,” and “Bucephalus” appear in Dark Winter, September 2024. “Bugs” and “Devil’s Workshop” are in The Scapegoat Review, Summer, 2024. “Perseverance” appears in Right Hand Pointing, No. 157, October, 2024. “Swimming Lessons” is in Dog Throat Journal, September 2024. “Neat and Tight,” “Free Parking,” “Full Color,” “Yelp Review,” and “Protagonists” appear in Action, Spectacle, Summer, 2024. “Wildfire” and “Lifeboat,” two prose poems, are in Feral No. 19. July 2024. Magazine1 has published “Pointless: and “Never Too Late” in its July 2024 Issue. “Lost My Hat,” “Took Me by Surprise,” and “Captive Trees” appear at Uut Poetry, July 30, 2024. “Warning Label” is published in the Summer issue of MIDLVLMAG, July, 2024. “Night Snow” is published in the 20th Anniversary edition of Right Hand Pointing. “Never Too Late” and “Pointless” appear in Mgazine1, “Summer, 2024 . “A Taste of My Own Medicine” appears in the June, 2024 issue of Dog Throat Journal. “Especially the Giraffes” is published by Red Ogre Journal, in June 2024. “Baby Teeth” is published in issue #2 of the engine(idling . “Candle” appears in the March, 2025 Issue of Dog Throat Journal.” Lonely Fun” is on page 15 of in Loud Coffee Press, Issue #16, February, 2024. “An Underappreciated Fact About Cannibals” and “Sphinx” appear in Right Hand Pointing, No. 154, January, 2024. “Dress for Success” is in MIDLVLMAG January, 2024.
“Just Go for It” appears in the inaugural issue of Dog Throat Journal in December, 2023. In October, 2023 Pine Hills Review published three prose poems, “Wig,” “Lucky’s Cadillac,” and “Positive Attitude.” “Opposites Attract” appears in Big City Lit‘s belated Summer edition. “2nd Cousins” appears in Six Sentences, October, 2023. “Little Hoodlums”is in Ten by Ten, October, 20223. “Kiddie Pool” is in Heavy Feather Review in October, 2023.”Inalienable” is in the Spring/Summer 2023 of Nixes Mate Review. In Volume I, Issue 5 of Many Nice Donkeys, the prose poem “Too Many Lawyers,” appears on page 19. “Basic Math” appears in Six Sentences, on 9/15/2023. “The Great Resignation” appears in MONO (UK) August 3, 2023. “Landscape” is in the Music Issue of Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art. “Reliable Sources” is in Beatnik Cowboy, July 9, 2023. “Win or Lose” appears in Punt Volat (2023). “Diamondback” appears in Steam Ticket (Vol.26) 2023. “Night Snow” is published in Right Hand Pointing, No 151. April, 2023. “Love’s Mystery” appears in Duality, 2023. “Mindfulness” and “Each and Every One” are in the print issue of Doubly Mad, 2023. “No One Left to Blame,” “The Competition,” and “No Hard Feelings” appear in Trigger Warning, Issue 1, pages 34-37. (February, 2023) “School Picnic,” “Poison Darts,” “Hat Store Window” and “Have a Heart” are in the Winter, 2023 issue of Action Spectacle
“Lucky Animals” is in Issue 81, Part 2 of streetcake, November, 2022. In L=Y=R=A, November, 2022, appear three prose poems, “Dolls,” “In Case You’re Interested” and “Feral Angels” “Half-Way House” appears in South Florida Poetry Journal #27, November,2022. “Re: Company Meetings,” “It’ll be Great,”” Making Money in Today’s Market” and “Rucksack” appear in Sequestrum November 2022″Favorite Restaurant” is in Quibble, Issue 6, November, 2022. “Best of Luck,” a found poem, appears in Unlost, No. 29, August 2022 “Face Down” and “Chatbot” appear in Red Ogre Review (UK) October, 2022. “Cotton-Candy Pink,” ‘Like an Accident,” “Suburban Landscape (With Flying Saucers)” “Windows,” “It All Depends,” and “Long Black Car,” appear in the print anthology, Aeolian Harp Anthology, Vol 8, 2022. “Before It’s Too Late” appears in Atticus Review, Issue 2, August, 2022. “There’s a Fix for That” appears in Bending Genres, August, 2022. “My Blue Period,” “I’m Afraid It Couldn’t Be Helped,” “Don’t Think So Much,” “The Verdict,” and “Winter Apple Tree.” are in the August, 2022, South Florida Poetry Journal. “Sharp Dressed Dead People” is in the July 22nd issue of Bombfire Magazine. “If Everybody Did Their Part” appears in Drunk Monkeys, Vol 7, No 7, July, 2022. “Drive Faster,” is published by The Drabble on July 3, 2022. “The Red Boat” appears in Hidden Peak in June, 2022. “Florida Hunting Buddies,” “Disappearance,” “In Over My Head,” and “Sink or Swim,” appear in Puerto del Sol, (Issue 57.1) Spring, 2022. “Late” appears in Hidden Peak May, 2022 . “At the Crossing” is in South Florida Poetry Journal, No. 25. May, 2022. “Change the Locks” and “Could Always be Worse” appear in University of Louisville’s Miracle Monocle, Spring, 2022. “Lip Reading,” “How Do You Do, Mr. Snake?” and Nothing But the Truth,” are in the Los Angeles-based Cultural Daily, March 29, 2022. Funny You Should Ask , a chapbook of prose poems, is published by OPEN: Journal of Arts and Letters. (February, 2022). “Type ‘O'” appears in ubu Issue 3, March, 2022. Never Can Tell,” “Bearings,” and “Who Could Ask for More?” are in Hole In The Head Review (Vol 3. No.2, February 2, 2022) “Outfit” is in Right Hand Pointing, No. 146, January, 2022 . “Who You Are” appears in the American Journal of Poetry, January 1, 2o22. “Andromeda” is in Unbroken, No. 32, January, 2022. “One Reason for the French Revolution,” is in the Winter 2022 issue of Big City Lit.
Collateral: A chapbook of prose poems has been released (2021) by Right Hand Pointing/Ambidextrous Bloodhounds.” “Fate” and “The Last Laugh” appear in Wild Gods: The Ecstatic in Contemporary Poetry and Prose, New Rivers Press, 2021. The Next Level” is in ubu, Issue 2 December 2021. “Electric Eels,” “Finishing School,” and “Teeth” appear in Abandon Journal Issue No. 2, October, 2021. “What are Friends For?” appears in issue No. 75, Part II of streetcake (UK) in December, 2021 “Stolen Bikinis” is at Six Sentences, September 28,2021. “Better Mileage” appears in the print issue of Midwest Review (No. 9.) Fall, 2021. “Counting on My Fingers” appears in Six Sentences on September 5, 2021. “After the Regional Cat-Snack Sales Managers’ Meeting,” appears in Inverted Syntax’s Fissured Tongues (Vol. 3) September 2021. Leopard Print,” is in Six Sentences, August 21, 2021. In September, 2021, “Good Housekeeping” appeared in Ubu, a journal of small absurdist poems. “Jackpot” appears in Right Hand Pointing, No. 143. “Wrong” appears in Grey Sparrow Journal (No 38), July, 2021. “Hot” appears in Six Sentences on July 27, 2021. “Climate or Weather?” is published in Cloudbank, in July 2021. “Just Like Old Times” appears in Unbroken, Issue #30, July, 2021. “Two-thirds of Americans” and “Ah, Those French Girls” are in The American Journal of Poetry Vol. 11, July 1, 2021. “Reno’s Revenge Plan” is in Six Sentences July 3, 2021. “Variety” appears in Fatal Flaw, (Vol. 4) June, 2021.“My Date at the Reptile House” is in Six Sentences June 1, 2021 and”Compulsion” is in Six Sentences on June 23. 2021. “Charred” and “Another Day at the Office,” are in Steamticket, Vol. 24, Spring 2021. My People,” “Suburban Landscape (with Flying Saucer),” and “A Blast,” appear in Sequestrum (Issue 27) in May, 2021. “One Thing I Learned from John Ashbery” appears at Six Sentences on May 3, 2021. “What’s the Worst that Could Happen” is in Into the Void #19, May, 2021. “Nutritional Supplement” appears in Drunk Monkeys, April, 2021. “Smitten,” “Applause Track,” “Love is Like That,” and “Black Box,” appear in Flash Boulevard on March 13, 2021. “Long Black Car” and “About the Weather” appear in the The American Journal of Poetry (Vol 10) January 1, 2021. “Jellyfish” appears in Six Sentences on February 19, 2021. “Me and Mrs. X” appears at Six Sentences on February 13 2021. “Half of Hell” appears at Six Sentences in February, 2021. “Carpenter” appears in the Beatnik Cowboy, March, 2021. “Blind Justice” appears on January 31, at Six Sentences. “Scooter and Sweet Thing” is in Unbroken Journal, (No. 28) January, 2021 “Back at You” is in Six Sentences, December, 2021. Goat Boy’s Enquiry is in Six Sentences, January 19, 2021.
“A Lover’s Heart” appears in 45th Parallel, Issue 5. “Close Call” appears at Six Sentences in December, 2020. “Lucky, I Guess,” appears in OPEN: Journal of Arts and Letters, December, 2020. “Everybody’s on Edge” is in the print issue of Blink Ink, No. 42, December, 2020. “Straight from the Horses Mouth,” “Let the Good Times Roll,” and “The Break-up” appear in November, 2020 at the Daily Drunk. “Candle” in in The Closed Eye Open, November, 2020. “Pets” is in the November, 2020 issue (no.17) of Into the Void. “Both Hands” and “The First Juror Receives a Visit” appear in the Chiron Review No 119, Fall, 2020.“Insect” appears in October, 2020 at Unbroken (Issue No. 27). “What is Known About Gambling” is in Volume 3 (August,2020) of Mutiny! Magazine. “Windows” appears in issue 68 of streetcake, a UK journal of experimental writing, August 14,2020 “Same-Day Delivery” is in the American Journal of Poetry (Vol 9 July 1, 2020). “Collateral” is in the June 29, 2020 issue of Six Sentences and “Jack’s New Leg” appears in the June 6, 2020 issue. “Random Suburb” appears on pages 16 and 17 in Vol 1 OXXOXOXO, a bilingual literary journal curated by Dylan Angell .“Keeping an Eye on You” and “Gold Doubloons” are in MacQueen’s Quinterly, May, 2020. “How to Survive a Lightning Strike” appears in Prometheus Dreaming, May, 2020. Redecorating” and “The Perfect Gift are in Miracle Monocle, April 2020. “Climate Change” appears in the April, 2020 issue of Nixes Mate Review. “Exit Row” and “My Funny Valentine” are in Issue No 25, (March, 2020) of Unbroken Journal. “A Disappearance” and “A Perfect Match.” appear in the March, 2020 issue of Right Hand Pointing. Like an Accident” and “Dinner Party” appear in Volume 8, The American Journal of Poetry, January 1, 2020. “Little Leo” a 100-word story appears in The Drabble, January 2, 2020.
“Sphinx” appears in Prometheus Dreaming, December 27, 2019. “Last Time” is in Bending Genres, December 12, 2019. “Not Too Close” appears in Prometheus Dreaming, 2019 and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. ““Fate” “Know Thyself” and “As I Pull into the Rest Stop on Interstate 95,” appear in November 14, 2019 issue of the Los Angeles-based Cultural Weekly. “Fire Prevention” appears in the October 25, 2019 issue of Into the Void. The Pleasure of Texas” is in the Fall, 2019 issue of Nixes Mate Review. “Tonight, I Think I’ll Drive the Mail Truck Home,” “Between a Rock and a Hard Place,” and “Got Lucky” appear at Sequestrum in September, 2019, “If the Shoe Fits” and “Baked Alaska” appear at the journal Bending Genres (No. 20 August 6, 2019) “Land of the Free,” is in Unbroken Journal in July, 2019.” “Venom” and “Uncle Jay” appear in the July, 2019 issue of The American Journal of Poetry. “Disguise,” appears in Unbroken Journal (No.21) in the Spring of 2019. “Lucky Bullets” is in Vol. xii, No.12 (April, 2019) of Third Wednesday. “Pascal’s Wager in Orlando” appears in Into the Void in April 2019. “Desert Motel” is in the anthology Best Microfiction, 2019. “Hit-Man Visits the Brooklyn Botanic Garden” is at Six Sentences March 23, 2019. “The Nature of Inebriation,” is at One Sentence Poems, February 6, 2010. “No Rabbits, “Bone Saw,” “The Greatness of the Internet,” and “The Ponies,” appear in The American Journal of Poetry, Jan 1, 2019.
“No Tomorrow” appears in print issue of Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities, (Vol. 1) in December, 2018. “I’m Always Somewhere,” appears in Right Hand Pointing, (No 129), December 2018. “The Last Laugh” is in Star 82 Review (Vol.6.4) Winter 2018. “Desert Motel” is in the Fall. 2018 issue of Pithead Chapel. “Dead Pool” appears in Blink Ink November, 2018 “A Good Night’s Sleep” is at Meow Meow Pow Pow, October 2018. The prose poems, “Safety First” appears in the 20th print issue of FIVE:2:ONE in June, 2018.”Ghost Writing Love Letters” appears in Right Hand Pointing, (No. 127) October, 2018. “Ants” appears in Unbroken, October, 2018. “Suspicion” a very brief story, appears in the print issue (#33) of Blink Ink in September, 2018. “Law Enforcement” appears in the Summer, 2018 issue of Sleet Magazine (Vol 10. Issue1)
“After the Movie” appears in Summer-Fall , 2018 issue of Subprimal. “Hot Metal” is in the Molotov Cocktail, Vol. 9, Issue 6 August 2018. “Debt,” “Cotton-Candy Pink,” “Hidden Beauty” and “That’s Just the Kind of Guy I Am,” appear in The American Journal of Poetry in July, 2018. “Carwash” appears in Issue 8 (Summer 2018) of Nixes Mate. “No Tomorrow” is in issue No. 23 of Hunger Mountain. “Demographic,” “Nobody’s Perfect” and “The Right Conditions“appear in the Los Angles-based journal, Cultural Weekly, in June, 2018. “Good Grammar is What Women Want,” is in the May 31, 2018 issue of The Drabble. “Without a Voltage Meter to Check How Hot a Fence is, You’re Just Guessing,” is in The Drabble, May 15, 2018. “Wedding Memories,” is in Right Hand Pointing, No. 122, April, 2018 . “My Murder Client” appears in FIVE:2:ONE’s Slideshow, April 28, 2018 “What We Can Name” and “After Dawn” both appear in Posit, (No 17 March, 2018) Escape Tunnel,a 100-word story, appears at The Drabble March 11, 2018. “She Says She Can’t Wait to Show Me Off to Her Friends” appears in Vol, 2 of Drabblez, in April, 2018. Pithead Chapel published “Don’t Take Me Alive” in March 2018 issue (Vol. 7, Issue 3). “Joie de Vivre,” a 100-word story, appears in The Drabble, February 15, 2018 “The Future,” a prose poem, is in issue No. 119 (Feb, 2018) Right Hand Pointing. “Like Snakes,” “What is Known about Ghosts,” and “Some Lessons of Colonialism,” appear in the Fall 2017-Winter 2018 SHANTIH.Five prose poems appear in Vol 4 of the American Journal of Poetry on January 1, 2018: “Custody,” “Forgiveness,” “Dishonorable Discharge” “The Trouble with Retail” and “Questions.” “Suburban Evening Commute” a 100-word story is in the January 3 2018 Drabble.
“No Way, Shape or Form” appears in Sleet Magazine‘s Vol 9, No. 2, Autumn 2017- Winter, 2018 issue. “Love’s Levitation” appears at decomP in the November-December, 2017 issue. “It’s Hard to Get Ahead” and “The Main Reason I Didn’t Leave a Forwarding Address,” appear in the Winter, 2017 Issue of concis.“Census of the Dead” and “Paradise Mobile Home Park, Albuquerque, New Mexico,” appear in the inaugural issue of the journal, little leo, in October, 2017. An Evil Twin is Always in Good Company, a chapbook of one sentence poems, is available from White Knuckle Press (August, 2017). The prose poem, “Curious,” is in the October, 2017 issue of (b)OINK. “Your Secret is Safe with Me,” a 100-word drabble is in The Drabble in October, 2017. “Bank Job” is in The Molotov Cocktail Vol. 8, Issue 10 (October. 2017) “After Our Trip to Bank of America, Melinda and I Make Plans to Celebrate,” and “Revelation in Wichita” appear in Right Hand Pointing, No. 115, October 2017. “Ghost Instinct” is in the Summer, 2017 issue of the Canadian journal, The Broken City. “Higher Order Thinking Skills” is published in Right Hand Pointing, August, 2017. “Lightning” is in The American Journal of Poetry, Vol II, August, 2017. ” Sedan deVille” is at One Sentence Poems, August 22, 2017. “Swimming in Money” a 100-word prose poem is at The Drabble August 9, 2017. “In Case of Fire” appears in the August, 2017 issue of Sonic Boom. “Cloud Hunting” is published in Clockhouse Vol. 5, Summer 2017. “Second Date (It’s funny what a little moonlight can do)” a 100-word hybrid piece, appears in The Drabble (June 22, 2017). “The Hurried Valley” appears in concis, June, 2017. “Match.com” appears in Blink Ink Issue #28, Summer 2017. “What I Liked About You” appears in Right Hand Pointing, April, 2017 (No. 109). A 100-word story, “Perfect Weather,” is in The Drabble, April, 2017. “In Two Places at Once,” an extremely short, short story, is in Blink Ink, No.26, February 2017. “Dancing at Lucky’s” and “Guillotine” appear in the Winter 2017 issue of Boston Literary Magazine, in February, 2017. “Marksman” is in the February, 2017 issue of (b)oink. “But Not Always” is in the American Journal of Poetry, January, 2017. “It All Depends” both text and audio appear in concis, January, 2017. “As If That Wasn’t Enough,” “Oh, How I Love Mitzi,” appear in FIVE:2:One in January, 2017.”What I Learned about God from Playing Baseball,” is in One Sentence Poems, January 21, 2017. “A Merman Asks a Biblical Question” is in Issue 105 (December, 2016) of Right Hand Pointing.
“The Angry Dead,” a found poem, and “Snake Charmer” appear in One Sentence Poems, November, 2016. Audio and text for “It’s Not Exactly Brain Surgery,” are at Random Sample (November, 2016.) The prose poem “Relax” is in the journal concis (October, 2016). “Echo Park” and “Ventriloquists on the Radio” appear in the August, 2016 issue of decomP. “After Police Find Invisible Ink in Her Room, Mata Hari Is Executed by Firing Squad” and “August, California Central Valley,” are in the early August, 2016 One Sentence Poems.”Over My Dead Body” (text and audio) is in the July 31, 2016 edition of concis. Text and audio for the poems “Pyromaniac on Parole,” “3 AM, the Night of the Cast Party, and I Wonder Where You Are,” and “I’m Afraid You’ll Have to Evacuate the Building,” all appear in Angels Flight Literary West July 21, 2016. “The Physics of Love” is in issue No. 101 (August, 2016) of Right Hand Pointing. “Popular in Your Network” is in the July 6, 2016 issue of The Commonline Journal. The criminally short fiction piece, “Shelter,” and the poem “Swans’ Way” are in Issue 100 (July, 2016) of Right Hand Pointing. “Where the Heart Is” appears in the Summer/Fall issue of Antioch University’s Lunch Ticket magazine. “In Golden Gate Park,” is up at Reft Eft Review, June 26, 2016. The poems “Homecoming,” “Like a Forest, the Unsuspecting Crowd,” and “The Problem of the Trees” appear in The Writing Disorder, Summer 2016. Three very short poems, “Spring Cleaning,” “Refraction,” and “Hourglass Figure,”appear in June, 2016, at One Sentence Poems. “Me and Buddy at the Pink Elephant” appears in Best of Boston Literary Magazine, Volume 1, Summer, 2016. “Ignition” is in the spring, 2016 issue (Issue 31) of American University’s literary magazine, Folio. The poem “222” is in the spring, 2016 issue of Off the Coast. “Bee, Erratic,” a one sentence poem, is at One Sentence Poems, May 2016.”Yes, But They’re All Robots,” a found poem, appears in One Sentence Poems in January, 2016 “True Religion” appears in the Commonline Journal (February 17, 2015). The text and audio for the poem “Zoo Night Watchman” appears in January, 2016, in Helen, a literary magazine based in, and about, Las Vegas. “Flames of Love” is in the January 2016 (Vol. 6, No. 16) Molotov Cocktail.
“Rain Falling on a Moonlit Jellyfish” appears at Uut Poetry, 12/12/2015. “Everything Happens for a Reason,” is in the Fall, 2015 issue of Off the Coast.” “The 5:45 Crosstown” is in the September, 2015 (No. 90) Right Hand Pointing. “Note to Self” and “Quarry Lake” are published in Posit, (No. 7) August, 2015. “Luck,” “Afternoon Rendezvous,” and “Before ‘The Three Dancers‘” appear in September, 2015 at Camroc Press Review. “New Neighbor” appears and can be heard in the August, 2015 decomP. “All that Glitters” & “Double-blind Experiment” appear in the August, 2015 issue of Right Hand Pointing (No. 89).
“Lullaby” is at One Sentence Poems, June, 2014. “Pink Candy Hearts” and “Old Dirk Savors the Prospect of Honeymoon Bliss with His Second Teen Bride” appear in the anthology Storm Cycle: the Best of Kind of a Hurricane Press (2014) p.142 and 143. “Rain of Stones,” appears in the Summer, 2015 issue of Third Wednesday (Vol.VIII, No. 3). “Nebraska,” the world’s shortest story about crop circles and disappearances, appears in the June, 2015 issue of Right Hand Pointing. “Antibody” appears in June, 2015 issue of Cryopoetry “Safari” (text and audio) appears at Right Hand Pointing, No. 86, May, 2015. “For Rent: One Bedroom House” is at One Sentence Poems May, 2015. “Night Drowning Off Santa Monica” can be read and heard at Silver Birch Press, March 29, 2015. “Circus Robot’s Schadenfreude” appears in Blink Ink, No. 19, Spring, 2015. “7 Days a Week” is at Cease, Cows March 18, 2015. Brad guest edited Right Hand Pointing No. 84, March, 2015. “Excuse me, is this seat taken…” is in Vol 4, No 22 of The Molotov Cocktail, February, 2015. “10 Steps to Bringing the ‘Sexy’ Back into Your Relationship,” is at Cryopoetry March, 2015. “Behind the Scenes at the Funeral Home” appears in February, 2015, at One Sentence Poems.“US Military Occupation,” an insert poem, appears in the January 19, 2016 issue of The Commonline Journal. The micro poems, “The Problem with Brahman Bulls,””What I Learned About Death While Driving Through the Alps,” and “Thesis on PopularOpinion” appear in February, 2015 at Right Hand Pointing. “Honorable Discharge” is in the winter, 2015 Boston Literary Magazine.” My Thought Picnic” is in Uut Poetry (December 8, 2014) “Last Night at the Holiday Inn,” which originally appeared in The Molotov Cocktail, appears in Silver Birch Press’ series homage to Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem, “I am Waiting.” “Species” appears in Right Hand Pointing, No. 81, November, 2014. “I am a Telephone” is in Midwest Quarterly, Summer 2014. “Veterans Benefits” appears in the Los Angeles Times, August 31, 2014. “Power Failure“, “Delusions of War,” and “A Cure for an Amarillo August,” are at One Sentence Poems, September 2014. “Art Attack Surprise” is in the Summer, 2014 issue of Blink Ink. “They Never Found My Father’s Body,” is at Once Sentence Poems. “How I Didn’t Meet Your Mother in San Francisco” is in The Molotov Cocktail (Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014). Two prose poems, “A Bite, Not a Sting,” and “The Truth About Love,” appear at Camroc Press Review, in August, 2014. “The Mug Shot Photographer” is published in the Summer, 2014 print issue of Off the Coast. “In Medias Res” and “Abandoned House” appear in the Summer, 2014 print issue of Heavy Feather Review. “Narrow Escape from a Near Miss,” “Old Dirk Savors the Prospect of Honeymoon Bliss with His Second Teen Bride,” “Pink Candy Hearts” and “It’s for Me, Cupid,” are in the anthology, A Touch of Saccharine. (Go to page 84 in the e-book) “Freud’s Parapractic Postcard to His Almost Pretty Wife, Martha” appears in the humor issue (no. 77) of Right Hand Pointing, August,2014. “Love and Death in the Banking Industry,” “Perfect Background Music,” and “Amateur Advice,” appear in Festival Writer’s 200-Word flash fiction issue, August, 2014. Two, one-sentence poems, “Early Spring Evening Three-Car Collision” and “Blue Period” are at One Sentence Poems, June, 26, 2014. “Friday Night Drive to Watertown” appears in the June 20, 2014 issue of Cease, Cows. “The Distant Shooting I Hear Reminds Me of the Boys in Marketing,” appears at Uut Poetry.”Heat, Light, and Clarity” appears in Right Hand Pointing, No. 75 (Tenth Anniversary Issue.)”Escape Artist” appears in Vol 5, Issue 2, (April, 2014) of The Molotov Cocktail. A Prisoner of Love,” a prose poem, appears in an April, 2014 issue of Cease, Cows. “Emo Girl and Me at El Vagabundo” and “My Toughest Critic” appear in One Sentence Poems, April, 2014. “Last Supper” appears at 50 Word Stories. A number of micro-fiction pieces have been published by Eunoia Review, (March, 2014) including: “Priceless,” “Happy Cyborgs Split the Winnings” “At the MET” “Blond Ambition,” “But What a Lovely Way to Burn,” “Death, But You Get Used to It,” “Police Find Man’s Nude Body Crushed Beneath Malibu Mercedes,” “Benny ‘Psycho’ Whitmore Was At It Again,” and “Doug and Cats.”
Two illustrated micro stories,”Stars and Bars” and “Naked to the Waist,” appear, at Cease, Cows. “Betty’s Prized Possession” is in Right Hand Pointing‘s issue No. 73, devoted to one-sentence poems. The prose poem, “Your Words Are Like Heaven,” (Audio here) appears in Right Hand Pointing, No. 72, February 1, 2014. “Widower Delivery Man,” is in the Blink Ink blog, February, 2014. The prose poem, “Word Problems,” appears in the Fall, 2013 issue of Third Wednesday. “Movie Review,” a found poem, appears in Right Hand Pointing No. 70, December, 2013. “Long Haul” and “Nearly Dodged a Bullet,” two micro-fiction pieces, appear in Winter, 2013 issue of Boston Literary Magazine. “Thought Experiment” and “The Snow Leopard” appear on December, 3, 2013 at Mad Hat Lit. “My Career in Poetry” is in Vol. 4, Issue 17 (December 2013) of The Molotov Cocktail. “Some Assembly Required” a poem in which the first book of Genesis meets Ikea, is published by The Commonline Journal, November, 2013. “The Last to Know” a 30-word poem is at Right Hand Pointing, No. 69, November, 2013. “Horse Fly” is in the Fall issue of Boston Literary Magazine. “I Drive to North Carolina the Day After the Execution of My Wife’s Murderer,” appears in the June 16, 2013 issue of Seattle’s Commonline Journal. “Burka Sunset,” a collaborative poem written with Otis Kriegel, is at Mixitini Matrix.
“Visiting Los Angeles’ National Veterans Cemetery, Westwood, California,” is in the Fall, 2013 print issue of San Pedro River Review.“Low Country” is at Right Hand Pointing September, 2013. “Tin Man Has an Idea” is in Right Hand Pointing No. 66, August, 2013. “My Financial Advisor‘s Investment Advice,” appears in the July, 2013 issue of Right Hand Pointing. “Half as Much As a Fish Needs a Bicycle” is in Vol.4, Issue 8 (July 15, 2013) of the The Molotov Cocktail. Two miniature fiction pieces, “Shreveport Bank Job Mojo“and “I Meet the Noir Editor” are in the Summer, 2013 (No.23) issue of riverbabble.””Ken Plans a Trip to Toys R Us” and “Me and Buddy at the Pink Elephant” appear in the Summer, 2013 issue of Boston Literary Magazine. Both the text and audio of the poem, “What I Heard from the Girl WhoTends Bar at ‘The Blackboard’” are in the Spring 2013 issue of Sleetmagazine.com. “The Doppler Effect” appears in the Spring, 2013 issue of Maine’s international poetry magazine, Off the Coast. “The Traveling Salesman Problem,”“The Next Thing You Know,”and “Rented Tux” are at the Camroc Press Review, May, 2013. “Approaching Las Vegas on the Road the Devil Took (A Theodicy)” appears in Crack the Spine (no. 26) “Why Bob’s Never Lost” is in Issue 4, No 4, (May 2013) of The Molotov Cocktail.” A Girl Like You” appears in the Winter, 2013 issue of The Baltimore Review. “Since Dad Left” and “After Hours” appear in Right Hand Pointing, No. 60. February, 2013.”Writing the Complete Poem” appears at Burningword January, 2013
“A Stabbing” appears at Short, Fast, and Deadly December, 2012. “Cyborg’s Blue Quantum Love Dance” is in the Winter, 2012 issue of Boston Literary Magazine. “Hatchet Job,” which appears at Little (flash) Fiction, has been released as an audio file, read by Xe Sands, at Going Public. “Honey Gets Her Wish,” which originally appeared in Third Wednesday, is read by Xe Sands. “Mr. Wittgenstein Writes to Ms. Stein” is published in the Fall, 2012 issue of Off the Coast. “French Final’ appears in Blink Ink, vol 13 (Fall 2012).“Even the Trees” and “Titanic” appear in the Fall issue of sleetmagazine.com . “Street Jockey” appears in Right Hand Pointing (No. 56). “Not Enough Bullets” appears in the Summer, 2012 issue of Third Wednesday. “Hatchet Job” is released in e-book and tablet format at Little (flash) Fiction. “Safety Dancing for the Recovering Arsonist,” appears at Molotov Cocktail (Volume 3, Issue 12) September, 2012. “Echo and the Bunnymen,” and “Listen Until Her Heart’s Content,” appear in “The Tower of Song Issue,” (No. 55), of Right Hand Pointing. “Pink X-Ray“appears in the 2012 issue of the Santa Fe Literary Review.” As You Leave” and “Saharan Ants” appear in the Summer, 2012 issue of MICROW. “Best Man, Reconsidered,” a 100-word “drabble” is in the Summer, 2012 Boston Literary Magazine. “While Touring America, Marcel Marceau, Dining at the Des Moines IHOP, Realizes His Cruel Father, Who Forced Him to Train as a Mime, Wasn’t Such a Bad Fellow, Afterall,” is in Right Hand Pointing (No.53), July, 2012.”Rouge Canoe“, which originally appeared in Off the Coast, is reprised on the web at Reprint Poetry. Honey Gets Her Wish,” and “The Locksmith’s Touch” appear in the poetry journal Third Wednesday, Fall, 2011. “Slash and Burn” appears in the January, 2012 issue of Old Dominion University’s, Barely South Review. “Dark House,” is in the Spring, 2012 sleetmagazine.com . “Lost at Sea” is in the Feb 1, 2012 issue of The Molotov Cocktail. “Detroit, Unemployed, Three Years,” is at cur.ren.cy, April 2012. “Innumerate Polygamist,” appears at Monkeybicycle. The prose poem “Clown Car,” is in the Summer, 2011 special issue of Sleetmagazine.com.”Dark Matter” is at Staccato Microfiction (Spring 2011, #22). “Rattlers” was published in the Spring, 2011 issue of The Potomac. The flash fiction vignette, “Spikes” and the poem “Second Cousins” appear in the Summer Bloomsday Issue, #19, of riverbabble. “Blue Blind,” a “drabble” (an exactly 100-word fiction piece,) about Vladimir Nabokov, is in the Summer, 2011 issue of Boston Literary Magazine.
“A Passenger,” appears in the Spring, 2011 edition of San Pedro River Review. “Bull-Leaping to Bach Cantata No. 54 (Stand Firm Against Sin.)” is published in the June 1st, 2011 issue of Molotov Cocktail. Two flash fiction pieces, “Fresh Kindling,” and “Waltz” appear in the Slam and Flash issue of The Legendary. “Desert Newlyweds,” is published in the “Harsh Mathematics” issue #40, of Right Hand Pointing, March, 2011. Three poems, “Departure,” “Waiting Room View,” and “In the Jardin du Luxembourg, Amid the Little Pink Roses of Spring, Monsieur Zero Disappears,” are published by Centrifugal Eye. “Missing Data,” appears in Indigo Risings Surreal Minimalist Contest edition, March, 2011.”Makes No Difference,” appears at Molotov Cocktail, Vol. 1 #23. Two flash fiction stories, “La-Z-Boy at Gunpoint,”and “Siren’s Celebration” recently were featured at Fiction at Work. The brief fiction piece,”Clown Art,” appeared at MuDJoB on December 8th, 2010. “Arrow of Time” also appears at MuDJoB, in April 2011. The poem “Alien Territory” is at Folded Word. A small poemette of less than 140 characters, “Anonymous Source,” is published at unFold (April 13, 2011)
The poem, “Late Fall,” appears in the anthology, Deadlier Than Thou from Short, Fast, and Deadly. The short prose poem, “Einstein’s Random House” appears in the February 24th issue of Calliope Nerve. The poem “The Liberation of the Knife Thrower’s Daughter,” appears in Right Hand Pointing #33, Summer, 2010. “Rouge Canoe,” appears in the Summer 2010 edition of Off the Coast. “Loaded” appears at Fiction At Work on September 8, 2010. “Capsized,” appears at Short, Fast,and Deadly. “How I Shot My First Husband” appears in Right Hand Pointing #34, August, 2010. “Almost Like Fun” and “Mannequin in Love” appear in the October, 2010 Issue (no. 36) of Right Hand Pointing. “The Scream” appears in Blue Print Review, August 2010, Issue#25. “Blood Type,” is published in Six Little Things, No. 20, Fall, 2010. “Poor Billy Couldn’t Count, Either” appears at Staccato Fiction. The one sentence “story,”Three Months Later, Note for My Ransom, Still Unpaid” appears at Monkeybicycle. The poem “Tattoo Lover” appears in the anthology Imagination and Place, Winter, 2010. “Snowman” appears in the Winter, 2010 edition of Off the Coast. “Hang Nails” appears in Six Sentence Review Vol. 1, January, 2010. “She Wore Next to Nothing,” was published in The Love Book, February, 2010. “Don Juan On Line,” appears in Pow Fast Flash Fiction, January, 2010. The flash fiction story, “Lost His Shirt” appears in the book, Word of Mouth. “Sea to Shining Sea” and “Having the Time of My Life, for Free,”appear in Boston Literary Magazine, Summer, 2010. “Kiss” recently appeared at unFold in June, 2010. The flash fiction piece, “Two Buds at Cotillion,”appears in the Spring edition 2010 Sleetmagazine.com. The poem “March Snow at Arlington,” is published in Third Wednesday, Winter 2009-2010. The nano fiction piece “One Dream, Maybe Two,” is in Blink Ink #2. “Poetry is a Crime” appears at Gloom Cupboard.
“Leaving Camarillo State Hospital” FutureCycle Poetry Number 4, 2009 and in Future Cycle Poetry Anthology 2009. “The Scream,” appeared in Tattoo Highway #18, Spring, 2009 and is republished in the August, 2010 issue of BluePrintReview. “San Andreas Fault” appears in the Fall/Winter, 2009 issue of Sleetmagazine.com
“Daddy Longlegs,” “That Crazy Little Thing Called Love,””Adam’s BBQ’d Ribs,” and “An Apostate Visits the Temple of the Buddha,” appear in the Summer, 2009 edition of Boston Literary Magazine.
The poem “Clown Car,” appeared in the Spring/Summer 2007, Up and Under/QND Review. “Pink Crab Spider Eats Bee,” appeared in Getting Something Read, in April, 2008.
The poems “Skeleton Lover,” “Courthouse Elevator,” and “Machines in Love” appeared at SpokenWar, in 2009.Recent flash fictions pieces, including,
“The Tourist” “Seven Husbands Later,”“Albert Failed,” “Horoscope“, “Shaving Mirror“, Designated Driver, and Freud’s Dentist are all published by Six Sentences.
“Zombie Day,””Shakespeare Expropriated,” and “Gangsta Mama,” appear at Blink Ink.
“Obituary” appears in the January, 2010 edition of Monkeybicycle and “Rationale” appears in the March, 2010 edition.
“She Loved Richard,” “E-mail Lovers,” “Battle of Statistics,” “Failure to Communicate,” “Middle-Aged Tiki Dance,” and other flash fiction pieces have been published by Espresso Stories.