Raymond and Louella
I’m sleeping with one eye open and my emergency escape bag stowed under my bunk. Sure, last night
I may have had one too many, and got can’t-feel-my-teeth drunk, but it seemed like a good idea at the
time. I even received a few compliments. But, heck, with a little practice, almost anybody can fall out
of a moving car. Luella said, You remember what happened to Little Wiggy that time he shaved his head
with my switchblade? I said, Don’t you think that every once in a while, we should cut Satan a little slack,
Louella? She glared at me like I had a centaur’s horns and a pitchfork tail, but I can’t help but love that
woman. Especially when she spits out her Chattanooga Chew and yells, Shut up Raymond. Get in the
damn car.
Appears in the engine(idling Issue 4, Fall 20024