- The Los Angeles Times
- American Journal of Poetry
- New York Quarterly
- Puerto del Sol
- Folio
- Lunch Ticket
- Hunger Mountain
- Clockhouse
- Sequestrum
- Cultural Daily
- The Baltimore Review
- Big City Lit
- Best Micro Fiction, 2019
- Steam Ticket
- 45th Parallel
- Into the Void
- Cloudbank
- Atticus Review
- decomP
- Blink Ink
- Right Hand Pointing
- Action, Spectacle
- Midwest Review
- Abandon Journal
- South Florida Poetry Journal
- San Pedro River Review
- Pine Hills Review
- Third Wednesday
- Chiron Review
- The Potomac
- Off the Coast
- Pithead Chapel
- Grey Sparrow Journal
- Scapegoat Review
- Lily Poetry Review
- Miracle Monocle
- streetcake (UK)
- *82 Review
- MacQueen’s Quinterly
- Unbroken Journal
- Fatal Flaw
- Flash Boulevard
- Shift, A Journal of Literary Oddities
- Bending Genres
- Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art
- Steel Toe Review: a Journal of Southern Arts and Letters
- Prometheus Dreaming
- Inverted Syntax/Fissured Tongues
- Camroc Press Review
- Posit
- Red Ogre Review
- Hole in the Head Review
- Doubly Mad
- Hidden Peak
- Punt Volat
- Tattoo Highway
- Random Sample
- Barely South Review
- Monkeybicycle
- Sonic Boom
- Mutiny
- Bombfire
- The Writing Disorder
- The Headlight Review
- Boston Literary Magazine
- Cease, Cows
- Oddball Magazine
- Heavy Feather Review
- Santa Fe Literary Review
- The Molotov Cocktail
- Short, Fast and Deadly
- The Commonline Journal
- Calliope Nerve
- Mad Hat Lit
- Burningword
- Imagination and Place
- Little (flash) Fiction,
- SleetMagagazine.com
- FutureCycle Poetry
- Unfold,
- cur.ren.cy,
- Broken City
- Six Sentences
- Fiction at Work,
- Up and Under/QND Review
- Blue Print Review
- riverbabble
- Getting Something Read
- Espresso Stories
- SMITH Magazine
- SpokenWar
- Gloom Cuppboard
- Pow Fast Flash Fiction
- Six Little Things
- Staccato Fiction
- The Legendary
- Centrifugal Eye
- Flashshot
- Reprint Poetry
- Crack the Spine
- Eunoia Review
- Mixitini Matrix
- One Sentence Poems
- 50 Word Stories
- Uut Poetry
- Festival Writer
- Silver Birch Press
- Cryopoetry
- Helen
- Microw
- Angels Flight Literary West
- concis
- Donut Factory
- Five:2:One
- (b)OINK
- Poems2Go
- little leo
- Meow Meow Pow Pow
- Subprimal
- Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
- Drunk Monkeys
- Golden Walkman
- 10 x 10
- Red Coyote
- Yellow Mama
- The Closed Eye, Open
- The Daily Drunk
- Beatnik Cowboy
- ubu
- The Drabble
- Aeolian Harp Anthology, Vol 8, 2022
- L=Y=R=A
- Many Nice Donkeys
- Quibble
- Duality
- Trigger Warning
- Dog Throat Journal
- Clockwise Cat
- Loud Coffee Press
- Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine (MIDLVLMAG)
- engine(idling
- Magazine1
- Dark Winter Literary Magazine
- Frighten the Horses
- Stickman Review
- dadakuku
- Eclectica